Time Management Myths and Pitfalls – Embracing Shared Struggles

myths and pitfalls of time management

There are a few common myths and pitfalls about time management that need to be dispelled and addressed. Starting with the misconception of “I’m the only one experiencing this”. When you start sharing your challenges or struggles you begin to realise you’re not alone. Whatever story you tell me about how you’re struggling with your…

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5 January Tasks To Have On Your List

5 January tasks

Planning is always key at this time of year. Ticking off a few of your January tasks will set you up for a more organised and productive year. Whether you run your own business or want to improve your productivity at work, here are a few tasks to have on your list. Complete them by…

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Back to Work: How to Hit the Ground Running after Time Off

back to work

After enjoying a well-deserved break, the prospect of getting back to work might seem daunting. The transition from relaxing on holiday to getting back into professional work mode can be challenging, but fear not! Apply the right strategies and mindset and you can seamlessly reengage with your work and regain your productivity momentum without getting…

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Unlock your productivity potential: key steps to good time habits

build good time habits

Building a solid foundation for good time management and cultivating positive time habits requires a systematic approach. Here are the key steps to building good time habits: Self-Assessment: Taking a close look at your current time habits. How and where you currently allocate your time. Identify areas where you struggle, and recognise patterns of inefficiency…

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