Free Time Quiz

Complete the FREE Time Quiz TODAY!
It only takes a few minutes and it will highlight which areas to focus for better time management. You'll have a better understanding of what you need to change and be more aware of the habits and behaviours that are holding you back.
When you confirm your email address I'll send you tips and feedback with a few quick, ideas and suggestions you can put into practice right away.
And start improving your time habits so you can work fewer hours, feel calmer, more relaxed and in control.
Join the Better Time Habits Facebook Group and take the 7 Day Habit Challenge.
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"Brilliant! I’m usually quite pedantic about surveys, but this was so quick and easy to complete. It has really focused my mind on how I waste time and how I could work more efficiently."
RZ - Copywriter
"I enjoyed being gently made to focus on my time problems. It was good, with help to take a step back and review how I was currently working and to express where I actually wanted to be."
CMP - NLP Coach
"Just a quick line, to tell you what a brilliant resource your Time Quiz is! Easy to use, very focused in its questions and the feedback gives you ideas that can be put into practice, as well as offering options for more detailed analysis. I pride myself on being organised - but we all need a little help sometimes!"
RB - VA Outsource
"I was suffering from lack of planning and feeling of permanently being on a treadmill. I now feel energised and in control. I’ve created monthly and weekly plans and have clearer boundaries about working from home."
BG - Marketing & PR
“I found the Time Quiz very useful, as it allowed me to discuss with you my personal challenges and you were quickly able to give me some things I could do differently to help with those challenges and that was powerful.”
IT Manager
Don't have time to take the quiz?
Why not book a FREE Discovery Session and let's have a chat instead.
I'm a Time Management and Productivity Coach and the Author of "Time Management For Dummies". Together we'll work to change, improve and adjust. Create a positive impact on your working environment, your team, your colleagues, your family and friends.
Be more productive and efficient.
Reduce your working hours.
No longer work late in the evening or at weekends.
Have a better balance between your work and personal life.
Reduce and manage your stress
Enjoy your work and life more
Free Time Quiz
How Good Are Your Time Management Habits? Find out how and where you can make a few quick and easy changes to make your life easier starting TODAY.