Beyond Resolutions: Sustain Your New Year Momentum In February

February can be a tough month. It’s still cold and dark. New Year resolutions tend to slip around now. Those good intentions at the start of the month have lost momentum. All those shiny new gym memberships have lost their gloss and according to surveys and fitness app data, many have given up as quickly…

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Need to shift a few pounds for the Summer?

lose weight

Have you been ‘battling’ to shift a few pounds? I know I have and yes, ladies, it’s definitely harder as you get older! Here’s what’s worked for me … finally! Working from home, in front of a computer or on the phone for most of the day, it became obvious I definitely need fewer calories than compared to a…

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Sitting at your desk all day is bad for your health

Sitting at your desk

We spend 65-75% of our day seated and stationary according to a recent survey. Not just at work but again when we get home and collapse in-front of the TV for the evening. Even as someone who works from home, I spend much of my day either on the phone or at the computer ……

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Find time to exercise for an hour a day

find time for daily exercise

“Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness” A recent report in the Lancet says an hour of exercise a day can counteract the many hours we spend sitting at our desks, in front of a computer or watching TV. Long periods of sitting increase your risk of…

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The power of good health

power of good health

A great reason to look after your health and well-being. A testimonial from someone who was middle aged, relatively sedentary, overweight, diabetic and had high blood pressure. On visiting their doctor, they were told they would need medication to manage their blood pressure and insulin to manage the diabetes. They now had a choice. Either continue and even…

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Time Matters: What’s Your Most Important Asset?

Your health is your most important asset. If you don’t look after it, poor diet, lack of exercise, long working hours and increased stress levels can lead to long term health problems. While I’ve never been a super-health nut, I do like to keep reasonably fit and healthy and look after myself. My own recent…

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