Posts Tagged ‘health’
Create Happiness Habits At Work And At Home
This week we have International Day of Happiness and the first day of Spring. With so much going on in the world and watching the daily national and international news, you might think there’s not a lot to be happy about. What makes you happy? I’m pretty sure, it’s probably not ‘stuff’. Tangible things you…
Read MoreSpring Clean Your Habits: A Fresh Approach To Being More Productive
With Spring in the air, it’s traditionally a time for a spring clean and declutter. It’s also a good time to streamline and refresh your habits and routines. So, make a start and spring clean your habits for a more positive change to create a more organised and stress-free life at home and work. Assess…
Read MoreBreak the “Very Busy” Cycle: Redefine Your Busyness, Stress and Fatigue
I’m hearing the words ‘very busy’ a lot. So many people I’ve spoken to recently have responded to the question “How are you” by starting with “I’m very busy …” … very stressed … very tired. In today’s fast-paced world this isn’t an uncommon feeling and often it’s almost a default, automatic response to the…
Read MoreFriday Planning: 5 Steps For A More Productive Week
Friday is a popular day to have off if you’re flexible working, so you can have a long weekend. But, that’s not so great when everyone decides to have Friday off too. If you are still working on a Friday, it’s also a good day to reflect, plan and ensure a productive end to your…
Read MoreA Practical Approach To Setting Boundaries
Boundaries are simple guidelines for establishing limits around your time and your space. They’re also about how you want others to treat you and what behaviours you’re willing to accept or not at work and in your personal life. Healthy boundaries are essential to protect your time and enable you to remain productive. They’re important…
Read MoreBeyond Resolutions: Sustain Your New Year Momentum In February
February can be a tough month. It’s still cold and dark. New Year resolutions tend to slip around now. Those good intentions at the start of the month have lost momentum. All those shiny new gym memberships have lost their gloss and according to surveys and fitness app data, many have given up as quickly…
Read MoreThe ‘Little and Often’ Approach to Mastering Your Productivity with Daily Habits
Completing the 30 Day Challenge has highlighted the positive impact of little and often and the importance of routines in creating more consistent habits. It’s helped refocus on little and often and getting back on track with a couple of habits I do regularly but not necessarily consistently. These are: Daily movement Increasing flexibility and…
Read MoreShort on Time? Discover the transformative benefit of 15 minutes of exercise on your productivity!
Finding time for 15 minutes of exercise can seem like a challenge. Many people struggle to find time in their busy schedules to get to the gym or do a longer workout routine. However, the good news is you don’t need to spend a lot of time to appreciate the benefits of regular physical activity.…
Read MoreUnplug, Unwind and Recharge: A Busy Person’s Guide to the Holiday Season
The holiday season is just around the corner, and for busy people, it presents a unique opportunity to unplug, unwind and recharge. Especially if you’ve had a busy year so far. It’s important to strike a balance between your work and your personal life. The holiday season provides a perfect opportunity to take a well-deserved…
Read MoreThe Power of Streaks: Use them to maintain and build consistent habits
Creating and building a consistent habit takes patience and persistence. Being patient with yourself and keeping going. Streaks can be an important motivator in building habits and maintaining your motivation and momentum. I’m a big fan of streaks as I know how motivating they can be. Building up a chain of consecutive days when you’ve…
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