Time Management Myths and Pitfalls – Embracing Shared Struggles

myths and pitfalls of time management

There are a few common myths and pitfalls about time management that need to be dispelled and addressed. Starting with the misconception of “I’m the only one experiencing this”.

When you start sharing your challenges or struggles you begin to realise you’re not alone.

Whatever story you tell me about how you’re struggling with your time management and productivity, I’ll have heard it before. Try me!


Common Myths and Pitfalls

These are a few of the most common myths and pitfalls people have about time management and your ability to use your time more effectively.


There’s a magic solution

If only you could discover that one system, that one method, your problem would be solved.

There is no one solution. Everyone is different. We all live and work in different ways. Even if there are similarities, what works for one person might not work for someone else.

However, there are key strategies but how you apply them depends on your own needs and preferences and finding what works for you.


Multi-tasking is a key skill

No it’s not. Except in certain circumstances. If you want to be productive and do quality work, focus on one thing at a time. When you multi-task you end up doing two things poorly rather than one thing well. Give it your full attention without getting distracted and you’ll complete the task quicker and more effectively.

It IS possible to multi-task if one of those tasks requires less concentration or is a lower value task. For instance, you can listen to a podcast or audio-book while exercising or doing housework. Sorting through paperwork or emails (or exercising) while watching TV or streaming content.


Too busy to take a break

When you’re busy, taking a break can seem a waste of time but it rarely is. Just think how much more you could get done if you just keep going. However, creating breaks in your day is important to stay focused and keep your energy levels up.

More breaks makes you more productive and prevents burnout. Yes, you might be able to keep going for a while but when it becomes a pattern, it’s unsustainable and creates more stress.


Underestimating how long a task takes

It’s a common pitfall. You think a task will take 15 minutes and instead it takes an hour or longer. You end up working longer and longer in an attempt to get through all the tasks on your list.

When you add a time estimate, also review how long it actually takes and  adjust your estimate for next time.

  • Took longer than expected - what stopped you or got in the way?
  • Got distracted - reduce the source of the distraction.
  • Unrealistic - break the task down into more manageable steps

You'll have a better chance of sticking with the time limit next time.


Putting yourself last

Trying to get more and more done Not making your health and self-care a priority. Whether it’s making time for exercise or creating a morning routine to set yourself up for the day putting yourself at the top of the list is important.

Making time to relax and destress on a regular basis needs to be a priority and not something that gets missed off the list or put to one side so you can do just one more thing.


You'll never change

Either because 'it's just the way you are' or you feel you've got this far in life just about managing, so why change or perhaps you've tried different things and they've never worked (see point 1 above).

If you're happy with the way things are and it doesn't cause you stress and frustration, you don't need or want to change, that's fine.

If however you do what things to be different, you can always change. If you want to. It may take time but if you're patient and persistent, you will succeed.


If you think you’re alone, you’re not. Instead of struggling, make a decision to do something and take steps to change things for the better.

Start with an awareness of the myths and pitfalls that trip you up and decide what you need and what you want. Then take action. Find and apply the right strategies in a way that works for you.

What pitfalls do you need to avoid and what action are you going to take?


If you want to dispel the myths and pitfalls ...

▶️  Join me in the Better Time Habits Group

▶️  Get a taste of coaching with one of the Kick-Start Taster offers.

Find Out More

If you want to create good habits to boost your productivity and create the time you want, get in touch and let's have a chat.

Join the Better Time Habits Facebook Group for tips, challenges and offers.

Read related blog posts on time management and productivity:

How To Value Your Time And Manage Your Energy More Effectively

Setting a time limit - simple but effective

Ride the Wave: 5 Tips to Navigate the Ebb and Flow in Your Productivity, Energy and Motivation

Get more time management and productivity tips, offers with practical solutions to your daily challenges, sign up for Time Matters  newsletter.

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