What makes you happy?

It’s the International Day of Happiness – so how happy are you and what makes you happy.

The sun has come out – that makes me happy.

  • A lovely bunch of flowers – freshly delivered or picked from the garden – that makes me happy.
  • Chocolate (good quality) – that always makes me happy.
  • Watching the birds in my garden – that makes me happy.
  • Listening to my favourite music or an upbeat song – that makes me happy.
  • Children and babies – they make me laugh and smile with their wonder at the world.

There’s more of what makes me happy on my Facebook Page.

Whatever you do in life – be happy! 🙂

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I'm a Time Management and Productivity Coach and the Author of "Time Management For Dummies". Together we'll work to change, improve and adjust. Create a positive impact on your working environment, your team, your colleagues, your family and friends.

  • Be more productive and efficient.

  • Reduce your working hours.

  • No longer work late in the evening or at weekends.

  • Have a better balance between your work and personal life.

  • Reduce and manage your stress

  • Enjoy your work and life more

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