Time Off Sick – Are You Faking It?

Sickness costs UK business £32bn a year and as many as one in three employees are ‘faking’ sickness to get time off.

Depression and boredom were given as the main reasons for faking ‘sickies’.

The underlying reasons for these need to be addressed – if they’re ignored the problem will persist.

“Employers would be well advised to tackle the issues of sickness and workplace absence head-on, as these seriously impact efficiency and hit their balance sheets.”

Sometimes you just feel like you need a break – especially if you’re constantly under stress, working long hours or have an ever increasing workload – another issue that needs to be addressed.

Having a day off can be a good way to recharge your batteries.  Taking frequent breaks is something I advocate and can be difficult in an office environment – feeling guilty while others have their heads down working.  But regular breaks can actually increase productivity.

Parents often have to take a day ‘sick’ when it’s their children who are ill.  Not being able to get last minute childcare they need to take time off work to look after them.

Sickness has an impact on fellow colleagues who have to pick up the workload of missing employees, as well as the additional backlog on returning to work.

Flexibile working can make a difference – varying start and finish times, allowing employees to work from home.

A fit and healthy workforce is less likely to be sick.  Think about your own health when you’re planning your time and make time for healthy eating and exercise.

What reasons or excuses have you made or heard for being off sick?

As an employee – how do you handle sickness in your organisation?

If you’re self-employed or freelance do you ever take time off sick?

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I'm a Time Management and Productivity Coach and the Author of "Time Management For Dummies". Together we'll work to change, improve and adjust. Create a positive impact on your working environment, your team, your colleagues, your family and friends.

  • Be more productive and efficient.

  • Reduce your working hours.

  • No longer work late in the evening or at weekends.

  • Have a better balance between your work and personal life.

  • Reduce and manage your stress

  • Enjoy your work and life more

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