Why your goals don’t work … and what to do about them

We're already mid-way through January and there's plenty of talk about New Year resolutions (NYR), Goals and all the expectations for the year. However, there's less discussion about what happens when you get to the end of the month and already some of those NYR or goals are falling by the wayside.

There's a reason why gym memberships drop off in February or it's too much like hard work and you're sneaking in the odd biscuit, glass of wine or doing whatever it was you said you weren't going to do this year.

Why your goals don't work

There's a reason why your goals don't work and most people have given up within a month. It's because you're doing one or more of these.

  • Too vague - 'lose weight', get healthier isn't specific enough and doesn't give you a plan to follow.
  • Unrealistic - trying to do too much all at once or going from zero to running a marathon in two weeks!
  • All or nothing - you miss one day and give up.
  • No real plan - if you don't make the time, it's not going to happen.
  • Lack of accountability - if you don't share your intentions, no one will check-in or support you along the way.
  • Not tracking your progress - focusing on the failures rather than the small wins along the way.
  • Other people's expectations - if you're not personally motivated or connected to your NYR or goal, doing it for someone else isn't going to work.
  • Focusing on the end goal as the only reward and not enjoying the journey.
  • Being to rigid, not willing or able to adapt.
  • Not having a support system or good habits in place.

How to make your goals work

If you want them to work, as you set your goals and expectations consider the following:

Be specific. Include targets and milestones with your goals. How much, how many, how far and more importantly, when?

Be realistic. You can't change things overnight so be prepared to start slow, take small steps and build up the momentum.

Be flexible. Life happens so you need to adapt to the changes as you go without losing sight of your goal. Recalibrate if you need to.

Track your progress. This will keep you motivated to keep going but also allow you to see how far you've come when your willpower wanes (it will) or you slip (you will). Get back on track and keep moving forward.

Get really clear about your motivation. When things get tough, focus on why you're doing this and the positive impact it will have for you and/or your business.

Good habits. Letting go of things that don't support you and building up those that do will help to keep you going. Link a goal or NYR to an existing habit.

Look after yourself first and foremost. The better you feel the more time and energy you have for others, both in your personal life and at work.

Create a plan for the year

Start by creating a plan for your week that gives you time for what's important and what really matters.

Stop feeling overwhelmed or overdoing it and ending up exhausted and frustrated. Instead use your weekly plan to keep you focused, realistic and taking action.

Now is the perfect time to start as you mean to go on because today is a new day and now is a new year.

Turn your New Year 'resolutions' into habits, not something you've given up on by February.

Make more time this year for you and your goals.

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Read related blog posts on time management and productivity:

Less Is More

Beyond Resolutions: Sustain Your New Year Momentum In February

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I'm a Time Management and Productivity Coach and the Author of "Time Management For Dummies". Together we'll work to change, improve and adjust. Create a positive impact on your working environment, your team, your colleagues, your family and friends.

  • Be more productive and efficient.

  • Reduce your working hours.

  • No longer work late in the evening or at weekends.

  • Have a better balance between your work and personal life.

  • Reduce and manage your stress

  • Enjoy your work and life more

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